From the day of its founding in 2004, the organization joined the project “Give us a chance” as an associate partner along with Association “Bravery”, Psychiatric ward – Ruse, and BSC SME – Ruse; the project is through the PHARE program – Social Integration. This project was worth 49 000 EUR. The project was targeted at disadvantaged people – people with disabilities, minority groups and long-term unemployed people. The chairman of HRDA was the project manager. The main activities that were carried out included development of methods for work and identification of suitable disabled people and minority groups that will be able to achieve the project goals, organization of art exhibitions of disabled artists, activities targeted at project multiplication in other populated areas, not only in the region of Ruse.
In the beginning of 2005 HRDA took part in the preparation and start and in further consultations of a project in the town of Svishtov for manufacturing of products by disabled and retired people. The project was presented to BSC SME for approval and after its approval the project activities were started, which included souvenir manufacturing by disadvantaged groups. Due to the project character HRDA refused any project remuneration and developed the project for free.
Project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which consists of 3 elements. HRDA took part as an associate partner in component one, which has already finished and included a study among the textile companies in Ruse on the need of qualified workforce and covered 60 companies in the field. The second component, in which HRDA did not take part, was analysis of the gathered information and preparation of a report on the needs of the companies in question. The third component, which was done in 2006 by the two organizations, was carrying out of training courses led by international experts.