✓ Since 2009 the Agency is involved in the development of a project for elaboration of a Common Strategy for the Sustainable Territorial Development of the Cross-border Area Romania-Bulgaria under CBC Programme Bulgaria-Romania 2007-2013. The project is coordinated by the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development. The Agency will be responsible for the elaboration and implementation of the following activities: mapping secondary and tertiary educational structures in the Romania-Bulgarian border region; comparative study of available curricula at secondary and tertiary educational level in the Romania-Bulgarian cross-border region; comparative study of the labour market needs in the cross-border region and identification in the major gaps in terns of practice –relevant competencies. It will contribute for developing recommendations for transformation of educational policies aiming at enhancing cross-border cooperation on the basis of good practices at the German-Polish and the German –Czech Borders and EU documentation and designing a joint pilot curriculum for education and/or training of join Bulgarian-Romanian learners teams. The project is for the amount of EUR 240 000.
✓ In 2009 experts from HRDA has developed an analysis on the status of the tourism industry in the cross border area, as well as an analysis on the European experience and practices in tourism, for a project under CBC Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2007-2013 for elaboration of cross border tourism business development support instruments. The lead partner of the project is the Business Support Centre for SMEs. The project is approved, its value is EUR 475 000 and it is expected that it will start in 2010.
✓ In 2007 HRDA experts, together with BSC SME – Ruse, Bulgaria and Association “Nature”, took part in the development of an ecological project. This project was successfully presented to DG “Environment” of the European Commission.
✓ On 30.11.2006 Agreement BG 2004006- between HRDA and the Bulgarian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy was signed for financing the project “Creation of a center in support of agriculture” in the municipality of Slivo Pole. The project is worth 123 923,15 EUR and is under Program BG2004006-070.05.01 “Integration of minority groups on the labor market”.
✓ In 2006 HRDA developed a project under program Junior in relation to Incubator Junior of Ruse University “Angel Kantchev” and successfully presented it. HRDA was the lead project organization. The project aims at supporting young people and helping them start their own business. The amount of total financing is 50 000 BGN for creation of a revolving fund, which will be used in tranches. The project started in the beginning of 2006 as HRDA, managing the fund, has already helped and financed with 20 000 BGN two young entrepreneurs, supporting them in the creation of a business plan, money flow, commencement of activities and further activity development. The starting capital was provided by BSC SME – Ruse, Bulgaria.
✓ In 2006 HRDA developed and won a project for publishing a weekly newspaper called “The voice of Ruse” in relation to the upcoming accession of Bulgaria to the EU. The newspaper discusses topics, related to European legislation, opportunities that have arisen after the accession of Bulgaria to the EU, civil society development and others. The project was worth 20 000 BGN and started in January 2007. Nine copies of the newspaper were printed and were distributed for free. After the end of the project the agency kept on issuing the newspaper in an electronic format at its expense – www.glas.ruse.bg.
✓ In 2005 HRDA initiated the creation of a public-private partnership between marginalized groups in the municipality of Ivanovo for the integration of these groups and finding of suitable solutions. A project worth 40 000 EUR was developed, which was later presented to “Social Investment Fund”. Representatives of the fund checked the project on the spot so that they could get acquainted with the project beneficiaries’ needs and approval for financing was given. Due to fund depletion however the project did not receive financing.