VRAR „Learn and Work Easy in Virtual and Augmented reality“
The VRAR project „Learn and Work Easy in Virtual and Augmented reality“ is
implemented by HRDA in partnership with organizations and companies from
Slovenia, Spain, Cyprus and Latvia.
The project envisages the preparation of a methodology with guidelines for job
seekers or those wishing to become entrepreneurs in the field of virtual and
augmented reality, a manual and video clips with instructions for working with the
technique used by the experts in the field.
The main purpose of the project is to provide assistance in the career guidance for
people who have lost their jobs or who wish to change their professional direction by
allowing them to enter the world of modern technologies entering all spheres of
activity. Virtual and augmented reality is no longer a technology of the future used
only for entertainment, it is increasingly entering science, education and medicine.
The project is financed under the Erasmus + program.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained
therein. Pr. Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000033294
To follow the progress of the project as well as its results, follow Project Facebook
page https://www.facebook.com/VRARproject and website https://vrarproject.eu/bg/
For contacts: vr@hrda.bg